Soundscape Mixpander
Page 39 of 59
Entering the mixer password
The SSL Soundscape Mixer software is protected by a password system, whereby a password is
generated according to the individual DSP serial number of the SSL Soundscape hardware
installed on the host computer. The optional Soundscape format DSP-powered plug-ins are also
protected by this system. However, while the Mixer can be used without any optional plug-ins, the
Mixer’s own password must be entered in order for any audio to be routed through it.
NOTE:AlltheexistingpasswordsforanSSLSoundscapeha rdwareunitcanbeobtainedfromour
When the SSL Soundscape Mixer runs for the first time on your computer, a dialog box will be
displayed, inviting you to enter the mixer password:
The password can be found on the SSL Soundscape Mixpander Product Registration card, on a
label on the card itself, on the product packaging or on our website if you have registered the
product. Enter it in the Mixer password box and click the Save Password button.
If the password you entered was correct, you will see a confirmation message and you will be able
to use the mixer: