
Symptoms Possible solutions
The Delta-Link MADI HD
is not detected by the software.
Check that the Delta-Link MADI HD is connected to the mains supply and that the
Power switch is in the On position (the Power LED should be lit). Check the
condition of the mains cable. Check that the Delta-Link MADI HD is connected to
the Pro Tools
HD cards via suitable DigiLink cables and check the condition of
these cables.
There is no sound or there is
noise. The Lock LED flashes.
Check that the Delta-Link MADI HD is receiving a suitable WordClock or
FrameClock signal compatible with the Sample Rate selected in Pro Tools
The Delta-Link MADI HD
is recognized by the Pro Tools
software and the Lock LED is lit.
However, there is no sound.
Check the MADI connections and the condition of the MADI cables. In particular,
make sure that the MADI inputs of the Delta-Link MADI HD are connected to
MADI outputs and vice versa of the other device(s). Please note that MADI cables
are sometimes marked “A” at one end and “B” at the other end, which can be
confusing and sometimes results in two MADI inputs or two MADI outputs being
interconnected by mistake.
Bad audio.
This may be caused by a MADI mode mismatch between the Delta-Link MADI HD
and the device connected to its MADI ports (e.g. a unit from the SSL Alpha-Link
MADI series). The MADI format allows either 56/28/14 or 64/32/16 input/output
channels, depending on the selected Sample Rate. Devices connected via MADI
must use the same MADI mode! Varispeed operation is not currently supported
– changing the seeings of the other device is necessary. (For an SSL Alpha-Link
MADI interface, please refer to the corresponding manual.)