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3.3 Connection
.3.1 Power Connection
The X-Rack unit has an auto-sensing power supply that can operate on 100 – 230V without adjustment.
The power connection is made via a standard IEC mains cord to an un-switched IEC mains socket on the
rear panel and a latching power switch is provided on the front panel of the unit.
3.3.2 Audio Connection
Generally, each module will have an input connector (normally a female XLR) and an output connector
(normally a male XLR). Depending upon the type of module other connectors, such as key inputs, may be
present also. Connect the module inputs to the insert sends of your console or to your workstation outputs.
Connect the module outputs to the corresponding insert returns or to your workstation inputs.
Once the unit is connected switch it on, then route a signal to each channel in turn and check that it is
returned to the correct input on your console or workstation.
Some module input and output gains can be set to operate at a nominal level of +4dBu or –10dBV using a
switch on the connector panel. Select the appropriate level for the equipment you are connecting to. If in
doubt either refer to the section of this manual specific to the particular module or experiment!
3.3.3 Connection to an AWS 900
If the X-Rack is being used with an AWS 900 or AWS 900+,
connect the TOTAL RECALL LINK IN connector (a 9 pin D-
type) to Serial Port 1 on the conole’s connector panel using the
supplied 2 metre cable. This may be extended to a maximum of
15 metres using a suitable pin to pin extension cable.
If you have more than one X-Rack unit connect the
TOTAL RECALL LINK IN connector on the second unit to the
TOTAL RECALL LINK OUT connector on the first unit using
the supplied cable. A third unit may be connected to the second
unit in the same way.
3.3.4 MIDI Connection
The MIDI port can be used for several functions:
• Archiving of the 32 internal stores as SysEx (System Exclusive) dumps
• Remote control of the ‘soft’ functions of the XR622 Master module
• Updating the system software
If you wish to use this facility connect the X-Rack MIDI IN connector to a spare MIDI out connector on
your MIDI interface and the X-Rack MIDI OUT connector to the corresponding MIDI input.
A separate connection is required for each X-Rack.
3.3.5 Mix Bus Link
Some X-Rack modules can route signals onto the X-Rack’s internal mix busses. This 25-way ‘D’ type
connector is provided to enable access to these buses and, using this connector, multiple X-Racks may be
connected together enabling a large stereo mix system to be constructed. The pinout for this connector is
detailed in Section 5.2.
X-Rack Installation and Operation