Congratulations and thank-you for purchasing the latest addition to the grow-
ing Stanton family. Sporting a new attitude, and a fresh, modern look, the
RM.406 is a 4-channel, rackmount mixer loaded with features and innova-
tions giving club and mobile DJs a complete, powerful, yet simple tool to mix,
create, and perform their best. 1/4" and 1/8" headphone outputs, XLR, RCA,
and 1/4" Master and Zone outputs, plus plenty of inputs, including three Mic
inputs, and a separate 1/8" jack for connecting portable devices such as
, ensure the utmost in flexibility. The RM.406 even goes a step further
by adding an FX Loop, Booth, and Subwoofer outputs. Colored, backlit
knobs, adjustable Crossfader curve, separate LED level indicators, gain and
3-band EQs on every channel with a fully assignable Crossfader, offer
increased control and functionality. Thoughtfully designed and engineered to
give you the most intuitive and instinctual experience possible, the RM.406
delivers all these features in a logical layout with quality components, all at
an affordable price.
Stanton's revolutionary Superior Sound Technology (SST™) also gives the
RM.406 exceptional sound quality with audio specifications rivaling mixers
costing up to four times as much. Developed from the ground up by a team
of seasoned audio professionals who have designed world class profession-
al recording studio and broadcast mixers, working hand in hand with experi-
enced and respected DJs, SST™ delivers a dynamic range better than 110
dB through ultra low-noise circuitry with a lower total harmonic distortion
(THD) than other mixers in its class. Glass epoxy PC boards, surface mount
technology, and faders that don't bleed add to the superior construction stan-
dards. This equates to a cleaner, more transparent sound, allowing your
music to be heard the way it was meant to. We’re proud to bring you the new
look, feel and sound of Stanton.