
Stainless steel exterior, frame and anged feet
Stainless steel cooking compartments
CSD-1 code compliant
VL Gas standard output (200,000 BTU/hr = 3.6 BHP)
VHL Gas high output (270,000 BTU/hr = 5.5 BHP)
Standard Features:
When it Comes to Volume Cooking, these Steamers are the
Solution to All Your Efficiency Needs.
la r G e Ca p a C i t y pr e s s u r e st e a M e r s
aC C e s s o r i e s F o r re G e n e r a t e D st e a M
Co n v e C t i o n st e a M e r s
Accessory Accessory Code Available On
Steam supply piping to connect with direct steam kettle KIT-PIPING VSCX/VSC
24” Stainless steel cabinet back SSTBACK-24STM VSCX
Manual sliding shelf (12” x 20”) ADDRACK-H VSCX
Set of side rack 3 or 6 pan PANGUID-3PAN VSCX
Set of side rack 5 or 10 pan PANGUID-5PAN VSCX
Heat shield for control side CSTMHTE-SHIELD VSCX
36” Stainless steel cabinet back SSTBACK-36STM VSC
Manual slide shelf (18”x 26”) VLSHELF-MANSLD VSC
Stainless steel wire Adapt-A-Pan VLSHELF-ADPAN VSC
Set of VSC2 and VSC3 side racks PANGUID-VL VSC
ScaleBlocker™ water lter system SPS620V-SYSTEMS VSCX/VSC
ScaleBlocker™ water lter pm KIT includes cartridge, ScaleRelease
and pick up tube
Electronic ignition
6 psi pressure steam cooker
Split water line connection, single-drain connection
Direct Steam Models: 2" diameter welded stainless
steel tubing leg stand with stainless steel adjustable
anged feet for oor anchoring