Chapter 6: Troubleshooting 32 of 41
Improper knife re-sharpening
Check dimensions with figures
included in this manual.
Contact the supplier for special
Incorrect fitting of screen
Check that the screen is
correctly seated in its rear
position and that it fits perfectly
at the front
Contact the supplier for special
Excessive in-feed material
Reduce amount of material
being fed to the machine
Total or partial obstruction of the
screen holes
Remove the screen and clear
the holes
Insufficient belt tension
Check and/or adjust belt tension
Distance between the knives too
small or large
Check distance between knives
Increase screen hole diameter
Failure of air conveying system
or discharge system
Check fan rotation and make
sure pipes are not obstructed
Machine stops for no apparent
Safety switch has stopped
Check that the knobs that
operate the safety switch are
Electric motor does not start
Check amperage of electric
Safety switch not working
Motor starts but does not speed
up or take a load
Excessive drive belt tension
Check belt tension and adjust
Motor connected to power
source incorrectly
Defective starter winding
Check current in each phase. If
substantial difference between
phases, contact motor
Motor starts, but does not gain