Large Dehumidifying Dryers Controls 37
The DEW POINT value will give you a reading of what the actual
process air dew point is.
The area in the lower left portion of the touch screen conveys two
lines of information relating to the overall operation of the dryer.
The following is a list of typical machine/dryer summary status
line text messages:
1. Dryer Off
2. Left Bed In Process
3. Right Bed In Process
4. Valve Changing Position
5. Autostart Timer Enabled
6. Autotune in Progress
7. Over-dry Protect Active
8. Left Bed Heat
9. Left Bed Cool
10. Left Bed Ready
11. Left Bed Failure
12. Left Bed Process Failure
13. Right Bed Heat
14. Right Bed Cool
15. Right Bed Ready
16. Right Bed Failure
17. Right Bed Process Failure
18. Dyer is Shutting Down
19. Process Offline
The START BUTTON allows the user to stop and start the dryer manually. When
the start button is pressed, the dryer begins to operate. The text in the button will
change from START to SHUTDOWN. The next time the button is pressed, the
dryer will go into a sequence shutdown and the button text will change to
RESTART. The process heater will shut off, the current bed regeneration will be
completed and then the blower will stop. If sequence shutdown is not desired,
turning the POWER SWITCH off will turn off all components of the dryer
immediately and the optional conveying system will be turned off also.
When the button shows ALARM, the process temperature is too hot to start the
dryer. When the process air temperature falls below the setpoint, the button changes
to either START or RESTART, you may begin dryer operation.
By pressing and holding the numbers in the SETPOINT button, the following screen will be