Dehumidifying Dryers Chapter 4: Operation 32 of 59
Redundant Safety Controller Display
The Redundant Safety Controller limits the process air temperature from exceeding the upper
temperature range set by the E5CN Temperature Controller. Standard dryers use a
microprocessor-based controller for limiting the process air temperature. The controller is a
modular, self-contained unit removable from the mounting housing. All parameters are
factory set and adjusted; normally, no field adjustment to the internal controls are necessary.
Figure 8: Typical Redundant Safety Controller Display
Setting the Redundant Safety Controller
The Redundant Safety Controller alarm setting is changed by pressing the up and down keys
to input the alarm value. The upper display reading indicates the Process Value, while the
lower display indicates the High Point Setting alarm value. The factory setting for the High
Point Alarm Value
) is 150°F (-23°C).
Restoring the WATLOW Redundant Safety Controller to Factory Setup
If the preset parameters on the controller have been tampered with and it no longer functions
properly, call the Service Department. This controller is not meant to be modified.
WATLOW Operating Parameters
The WATLOW controller has only one mode selection; ALARM.
The factory sets the security level to protect the critical parameters from being accidentally
changed. Below is an explanation of the modes you will have access to and the manufacturer
default settings.