8.8. Pi pe work
If PVC ho ses are used for con vey ing, they must be groun ded: draw out the cop per lead on both
ends of the hose and jam it bet ween hose and tube. For fas te ning, use threa ded clamps.
8.9. Elec tri cal con nec ti on
The re gu la tions of the lo cal Elec tri ci ty Board must be ob ser ved.
Be fo re con nec ti on to the elec tri ci ty supp ly, it should be en su red that the
supp ly vol ta ge and the po wer fre quen cy are in ac cor dan ce with the data on
the name pla te of the ma chi ne.
The elec tri cal con nec ti on may only be car ried out by Ster ling ser vi ce staff or
trai ned per son nel aut ho ri sed by Ster ling.
It is not per mit ted for ot her per sons to un der ta ke the elec tri cal con nec ti on.
The main switch must be free ly ac ces si ble.
Ground the equip ment against elec tro sta tic char ging.
The ope ra ting vol ta ge is 230 V/50 Hz.
Spe ci al vol ta ges on re quest.
The con nec ted load is ap prox. 800 W.
The equip ment is con nec ted to mains supp ly by a de vi ce plug.
Se pa ra te fuse pro tec ti on of the wall so cket is re qui red (max. 16 A).
As sem bly in struc tions 8-7