
2.2. In stall ing the con veyor hop per
The sin gle con veyor unit is not sen si tive to shocks and can be in stalled di rectly on
the pro cess ing ma chine.
Make sure that all con nec tions are tight so that the con vey ing per for mance is not
im paired.
The con veyor hop per is equipped with a uni ver sal flange.
De pend ing on the po si tion, drill the holes for fas ten ing the con veyor hop per to the
pro cess ing machine.
Mount the con veyor hop per on the pro cess ing ma chine.
In stall the sup ply hose on the con veyor hop per and on the in jec tor tube by means
of the hose clamps which are part of the sup ply.
Note that the hop per may not touch any other com po nent.
SSV 05
In stal la tion in struc tions 15