6. Once in position “I”, temperature controller will display as shown below. Blower must be
running for temperature controller to be on. Temperature setting will vary as the processed
desired temperature is changed. Also, a description of the buttons are listed below.
Note: For initial start-up or if the dryer has not run for an extended
period of time, turn the hopper heater switch to position “O”.
Wait 2 hours for both beds to regenerate (without material in the
hopper). If there are two hoppers, switch both to position “0”. If
this is not an initial start-up, use position “I” and continue.
Use the following steps to adjust the process temperature set point.
a.) Press “PGM” key one time.
b.) Use arrow up or down to set the preferred process temperature.
c.) The set point will flash after 2 seconds, and then it will be accepted and stored.
d.) Press “EXIT” key one time to return to the original screen.
e.) Observe actual and set point temperatures, both will ramp up or down
momentarily to the desired set point temperature.
Note: Due to the following circumstances:
- initial dryer start-up
- dryer not running for long period of time
- dryer has been unplugged and moved to a different location
LED “Status”
LED Ramp/Program
Set Point
Arrow down Arrow up
Process Display