
Turn the re lea se swit ches “Hop per” (ST1 - ST6) at “I” po si ti on.
Turn the thermo reg u la tor to +80 °C (176°F) for the dry ing tem per a ture.
Press the “PGM” key.
Set by me ans of the ar row keys the dry ing tem pe ra tu re to “80".
Af ter 2 se conds the dis play flas hes and the va lue is sto red.
Press the “EXIT” key (the set point va lue and the ac tu al va lue
of the dry ing tem pe ra tu re are dis play ed).
Af ter 2 hours turn the re lea se swit ches “Hop per” (ST1 - ST6) at “0” po si ti on.
Turn the re lea se switch “Ti mer” at po si ti on:
Wait un til the blo wer has stop ped.
The run on time of the blo wer is 10 mi nu tes.
If the re is a re turn air coo ler in stal led, switch off its coo lant cir cuit.
Switch off the main switch of the dry er.
The sig nal lamp “po wer” goes off.
STT 110 / STT 160
S tart up 3-3