
3.5.2. Entering dryer values
Select ”Dryer”.
Acknowledge with the ENTER-key.
Press the ”F3”-key.
Regeneration Heater Act.
The regenerated heat temperature will be displayed.
Used air Act.
The current temperature of the used air will be displayed.
Press the “â” key.
If the unit is op er ates with “dew point con trolled change over point with
dew point dis play” (op tional):
Dew point max.
En ter the ma xi mum per mis si ble (worst al lo wed) dew point tem pe ra tu re (-35 to 28 °C).
Ack nowled ge with the EN TER-key.
Dew point Act.
The cur rent dew point tem pe ra tu re will be dis play ed.
If the re is a ca ble bre ak “+0 °C” is dis play ed.
Press the “â” key.
STT 1600
Start-up 3-9