
8.4. Con nec tion of Re turn Air Cooler (Op tional)
A re turn air cooler must be em ployed if the re turn air tem per a ture is
higher than +65 °C (149°F).
You can con nect the re turn air cooler to a cool ant cir cuit or to the wa ter mains net work.
The wa ter flow rate in the wa ter mains net work
is for:
STT 110............................................ approx. 0.35 m
/h (12.46 cf/h)
STT 160 ............................................approx. 0.48 m
/h (17.05 cf/h)
wa ter tem per a ture: +6 °C) (42.8°F)
Rate your cool ant cir cuit ac cord ingly.
Con nect the cool ant in- and out lets to the re turn air cooler.
Ob serve the flow ing di rec tion of the cool ant.
Check the tight ness of the con nec tions.
STT 110 / STT 160
As sem bly in struc tions 8-4
STT 110 / STT 160
Con nec ti on of the re turn air coo ler