
3.5.8. Setting the timer
Select ”Timer”.
Acknowledge with the ENTER-key.
Press the SHIFT-key and the ”F1”-key.
XX ON 00:00 OFF 00:00 (XX = day Mo-Su)
Enter for each day the switching on time and the switching off time.
Acknowledge with the ENTER-key.
Ex am ple:
Fr ON 08:00 OFF 23:59
Sa ON 00:00 OFF 23:59
Su ON 20:00 OFF 08:00
Mo ON 00:00 OFF 00:00
The dry er starts on Fri day at 08:00 in the mor ning, runs through wit hout
in ter rup ti on un til sun day at 08:00 and swit ches off. At 20:00 the dry er
starts again and swit ches off on Mon day at 00:00.
Press the ”F1"-key.
STT 500
Start-up 3-17