Your TGR-401 should reach you in
perfect con di tion. If you do notice any
shipping damage, please contact your
Sun¿ re Dealer immediately.
Gently lift out the unit and remove
all the packing material and ac ces -
so ries. It is im por tant to save all the
packing ma te ri als and the box in
case your TGR-401 ever needs to be
moved or shipped for repair.
Make sure that you keep your sales
receipt. It is the only way to establish
the duration of your Limited Warranty
and it may come in useful for insur-
ance pur pos es.
Please take a moment to ¿ ll out and
mail the Sun¿ re Customer Response
card. Also read the serial num ber
located on the rear panel, and record
it here:
Serial #:
Purchased at:
Date: _______________________