COMF Comfortable level, ideal range for both
temperature & humidity
WET Contain excess moisture
DRY Contain inadequate moisture
How to read temperature and other displays (continued)
In normal mode, press the “Heat Index/Dew Point” button on the
front of the home receiver once. The “HEAT INDEX” icon will appear.
The heat index will appear in the lower left display. Press the
“CHANNEL” button to toggle between indoor home receiver and
outdoor remote sensor heat indexes. Press the “Heat Index/Dew
Point” button twice to return to normal mode.
During conditions indicating a high heat index, a Heat Index Alert
Indicator will appear on screen:
CAUTION Exercise more fatiguing than usual
EXTREME CAUTION Heat cramps, exhaustion possible
DANGER Heat exhaustion likely
EXTREME DANGER Heat stroke imminent
Dew point is the saturation point of the air, or the temperature to
which the air has to be cooled in order to get condensation.
In normal mode, press the “Heat Index/Dew Point” button on the
front of the home receiver twice. The “DEW POINT” icon will appear.
The dew point will appear in the lower left display. Press the
“CHANNEL” button to toggle between indoor home receiver and
outdoor remote sensor dew points. Press the Heat Index/Dew Point
button once to return to normal mode.
The effects of temperature and humidity are combined and determine
an Indoor/Outdoor Comfort level, which appears next to the humidity
display on the LCD screen: