EEEE = Overload Warning. The maximum weigh-
ing capacity of the scale has been exceeded.
Remove the weight immediately; otherwise, per-
manent damage to the scale will occur.
ER0 = Instability error. Step off and back onto the
scale, standing still while your weight computes.
ER3 = Contact error. Body impedance is beyond
the technical limit. Clean bottom of feet with a
damp cloth, leave slightly damp, and repeat meas-
urement again, maintaining maximum contact
between your feet and the metal sensors.
ER4 = Body fat percentage is beyond the range.
Do not wear shoes or socks during measurement.
Cleaning bottom of bare feet with a damp cloth
and leaving them slightly damp may help to
improve the contact. Repeat measurement.
BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) method determines your body fat
percentage by sending a harmless signal through the body. Do not use this
product if you have a pacemaker or other internal medical device.
When in doubt, contact your physician.
This analyzer will give accurate body fat readings for a majority of people,
but is not intended for use by the following groups:
Children: Anyone under the age of 18 years
Pregnant Women
1. Ideal body fat content is not the same for all people. Age, sex, and
heredity are variables in this measurement. The table
as follows may be used as a general guide. Consult your physician to
determine what is most ideal for you.