
Data Sheet: Belleta
iEA Series –Single Output Eighth Brick
©2004 TDK Innoveta® Inc.
iEAFullDatasheet 032707 3/29/2007 Revision 2.0
(877) 498
Electrical Data:
iEA48025A025V-000 through -015: 2.5V, 25A Output
Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Notes & Conditions
Output Voltage Initial Setpoint 2.46 2.5 2.54 Vdc Vin=Vin,nom; Io=Io,max; Tc = 25˚C
Output Voltage Tolerance 2.42 2.5 2.58 Vdc
Over all rated input voltage, load, and
temperature conditions to end of life
Efficiency --- 85.5 --- % Vin=Vin,nom; Io=Io,max; Tc = 25˚C
Line Regulation --- 1 5 mV Vin=Vin,min to Vin,max
Load Regulation --- 1 7 mV Io=Io,min to Io,max
Temperature Regulation --- 10 50 mV Tc=Tc,min to Tc,max
Output Current 2.0 --- 25 A
At loads less than Io,min the module will
continue to regulate the output voltage, but
the output ripple may increase
Output Current Limiting Threshold --- 31 --- A Vo = 0.9*Vo,nom, Tc<Tc,max
Short Circuit Current --- 20 --- A Vo = 0.25V, Tc = 25˚C
--- 35 100
Output Ripple and Noise Voltage
--- 11 --- mVrms
Measured across one 1.0 uF ceramic
capacitor and a 10uF tantalum capacitor –
see input/output ripple measurement figure;
BW = 20MHz
Output Voltage Adjustment Range 90 --- 110 %Vo,nom
Output Voltage Sense Range --- --- 10 %Vo,nom
Dynamic Response:
Recovery Time
Transient Voltage
di/dt = 0.1A/uS, Vin=Vin,nom; load step
from 50% to 75% of Io,max
Output Voltage Overshoot during startup --- --- 165 mV Vin=Vin,nom; Io=Io,max,Tc=25˚C
Switching Frequency --- 400 --- kHz Fixed
Output Over Voltage Protection 2.7 --- 3.5 V
External Load Capacitance 0 --- 5000& uF
Isolation Capacitance --- 1000 --- pF
Isolation Resistance 10 --- --- MΩ
Vref 1.225 V Required for trim calculation
& Contact TDK Innoveta for applications that require additional capacitance or very low esr