
Data Sheet: Veta
iHA48040A033V*, 3.3V/40A Output Half Brick Series
©2007 TDK Innoveta Inc.
iHA Datasheet 040207
(877) 498
Absolute Maximum Ratings:
Stress in excess of Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.
Engineering estimate
Common Input Characteristics:
Unless otherwise specified, specifications apply over all Rated Input Voltage, Resistive Load, and Temperature conditions.
Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Notes & Conditions
Operating Input Voltage 36 48 75 Vdc
Turn-on Voltage --- 34.6 36 Vdc
Turn-off Voltage 30 32.7 --- Vdc
Hysteresis 0.5 1.9 --- Vdc
Input High Voltage Turn-off --- 79 80 Vdc
Input High Voltage Turn-on 75 77 --- Vdc
Hysteresis --- 2 --- Vdc
Startup Delay Time from application of input voltage --- 15 --- mS
Vo = 0 to 0.1*Vo,nom; on/off =on,
Io=Io,max, Tc=25°C
Startup Delay Time from on/off --- 10 --- mS
Vo = 0 to 0.1*Vo,nom; Vin = Vi,nom,
Inrush Transient --- --- 0.06 A
* Engineering estimate
Electrical Data:
Input Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Notes & Conditions
Maximum Input Current --- --- 4.5* A Vin = 0 to Vin,max, Io,max, Vo=Vo,nom
Output Voltage Rise Time --- 20 --- mS Io=Io,max,Tc=25°C, Vo=0.1 to 0.9*Vo,nom
Input Reflected Ripple --- 8.7 --- mApp
See input/output ripple measurement figure;
BW = 20 MHz
Input Ripple Rejection --- 58 --- dB @120Hz
* Engineering estimate
Characteristic Min Max Unit Notes & Conditions
Continuous Input Voltage -0.5 80 Vdc
Transient Input Voltage --- 100 Vdc 100mS max.
Isolation Voltage --- 1500 Vdc
Storage Temperature -55 125 °C
Operating Temperature Range (Tc) -40 115* °C
Maximum base plate temperature. Measured at the
location specified in the thermal measurement
Flatness 0.006 In.
Bare component side of metal board shall be