Data Sheet: Supereta
iQN Series –Single Output Quarter Brick
©2005-2006 TDK Innoveta Inc.
iQN 35V/6A/-0A9 Datasheet Issue 1.2 4/8/2008
Electrical Data:
iQN48006A350V-000 through -0A9: 35V, 6A Output
Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Notes & Conditions
Output Open Circuit Voltage Set-point 34.65 35 35.35 Vdc Vin=Vin,min to Vin,max, Io=0A, Tc = 25˚C
Output Voltage Initial Set-point Tolerance 34.48 35 35.53 Vdc
Over all rated input voltage and temperature
conditions with Io=0A to end of life
Efficiency --- 90 --- % Vin=Vin,nom; Io=Io,max; Tc = 25˚C
Line Regulation --- 50 100* mV Vin=Vin,min to Vin,max, Io and Tc fixed
Droop Rate --- 771 --- mV/A Vin=Vin,min to Vin,max, Tc = 25˚C
Temperature Regulation --- 125 300* mV Tc=Tc,min to Tc,max, Vin and Io fixed
Load Share Accuracy -10 --- +10 % 50% to 100% rated load current, Tc = 25˚C
Output Current 0 --- 6 A
At loads less than Io,min the module will
continue to regulate the output voltage, but
the output ripple may increase slightly
Output Current Limiting Threshold --- 6.5 --- A Vo = 0.9*Vo,nom, Tc<Tc,max
Short Circuit Current 0 0 --- A Latch off
--- 120 250
Output Ripple and Noise Voltage
--- 10 30 mVrms
Vin=48V, Io≥Io,min, Tc=25˚C. Measured
across one 0.1uF, one 1.0 uF, one 47uF
ceramic, and a 68uF low esr aluminum
electrolytic capacitors located 2 inches
away – see input/output ripple
measurement figure; BW = 20MHz
Output Voltage Adjustment Range 17 --- 35** V
Note: Trim up 10% is possible, but the load
current needs to be reduced
Output Voltage Remote Sense Range --- --- 10 %Vo,nom
Dynamic Response:
Recovery Time to 10% of Peak Deviation
Transient Voltage
di/dt = 0.1A/uS, Vin=Vin,nom; load step
from 50% to 75% of Io,max, Tc=25˚C with at
least one 1.0 uF, one 47uF ceramic, and a
68uF low esr aluminum electrolytic
capacitors across the output terminals.
Note: Exclude the droop.
Output Voltage Overshoot during Startup 0 0 --- mV Vin=Vin,nom; Io=Io,max,Tc=25˚C
Switching Frequency --- 155 --- kHz Fixed
Output Over Voltage Protection 38.9 39.7 41.1 V
External Load Capacitance 68 ---
Minimum ESR > 2.5 mΩ. Tc=25˚C
Isolation Capacitance --- 1000 --- pF
Isolation Resistance 10 --- --- MΩ
Vref 2.5 V Required for trim calculation
* Engineering Estimate
** Trim up is possible, but the load current needs to be reduced. Contact TDK Innoveta for details
Contact TDK Innoveta for applications that require additional capacitance or using capacitors with very low ESR