About the Help Files (help button)
TEAC PortaCD-RW User’s Manual 41
Figure 47. Help Topics Panel
3. Click a topic in the left column to expand the topic list. Click an item to
display detailed information in the right column.
Creating Audio Discs (make a music CD button)
Easy CD Creator 5 Basic enables you to create audio CDs from various sources,
including MP3 files, WAV, WMA, or directly from pre-recorded compact discs.
When you roll over the make a music CD button on the Select a Project panel, the
system highlights the button and displays the musicCD button (Figure 48). This
button enables you to create music CDs, and save your record list between burns.
Two other buttons are also displayed on the panel with a screened or “greyed-out”
appearance. These buttons link to additional functionality available only in the
upgraded Platinum version of Easy CD Creator 5. This functionality may simplify
or enhance the process of creating certain discs. However, the core functions
contained in Easy CD Creator 5 Basic enable you to work with MP3 files and most
other files types to create audio CDs.
Figure 48. Select a Project Panel: Make Music CD
click to expand
a topic
Create music CDs
from various sources,
including MP3, WAV,
or WMA files, or
pre-recorded compact
PortaCDRW.book Page 41 Wednesday, April 4, 2001 10:49 PM