Model: NF-347.. / NF-340..
Temperature Control Panel (see flap on the back of the
m a nual).
ᕃ “FREEZER” Indicator of freezer room
temperature condition.
ᕄ “REFRIGERATOR” Indicator of refrigerator room
temperature condition.
ᕅ 1 Energy saving, e.g. when you are
“VAC” away from home for a long period.
Means that freezer & refrigerator
compartment temperature is warmer
than position “MID”.
ᕇ 3 “MID” Means normal storage temperature.
Means that both compartment
temperatures are colder than
position “MID”.
ᕉ 5 Instant cooling with powerful
supply of cold air.
- When you connect the lead to the mains, lamps ᕃ, ᕄ, ᕇ
will illuminate and will go red, due to the high temperature
of the compartments: after some time they turn green.
- The interior light switches on when the door is opened.
- The compressor operates and starts cooling.
1. If you want to change the compartment temperature, push
button ᕊ. If you press this button, the lamps ᕇ, ᕈ, ᕉ, ᕅ
and ᕆ will illuminate in sequence. Push the button, so you
can set the temperature that you want.
Note Initially both compartments temperatures are set “MID”
position automatically.
2. The suitable storage temperature for fresh food is provided at
“MID” position at an ambient temperature of 16ºC to
1. Fo l l ow storage times indicated by the fro zen food
m a n u f a c t u re r. Make sure that the packaging is undamaged.
2. Save energy: minimize opening of the door by storing
identical food items together.
3. Items suitable for fre ezing: meat, poultry, fresh fish,
ve g e t a b l e s , fruits, dairy products, bread, baked goods, pre-
cooked meals.
4. Items not suitable for freezing: lettuces, radishes, grapes,
whole apples and pears, fatty meats.
5. When you freeze food yourself, pack it in appropriate
quantities. In order to freeze food right through do not
exceed the following quantities to best preserve the quality:
- fruit and vegetables: up to 1 kg,
- meat: up to 2.5 kg.
6. Blanch vegetables after washing and cutting them. (2-3
minutes in boiling water; then quickly cool them down in
cold water. When you use a steamer or microwave oven,
follow the operating instructions).
7. Keep packs dry in order to avoid them freezing together.
8. Freeze fresh food separately from already frozen foods.
9. Do not salt or season fresh food or blanched vegetables
before freezing. Other foods may be lightly salted or
seasoned. The intensity of flavour of some spices can change.
10.Use materials or containers specially suitable for freezing in
order to avoid loss of quality.
11. Write contents and date of freezing on the packs. Do not
exceed the storage time indicated in order to preserve quality.
12. Do not freeze bottles or cans with carbonated drinks as they
might burst.
13. Take out as much food as is immediately required for
thawing. Prepare it as soon as possible after thawing.
1. Make sure that the packaging is undamaged (damage may
have caused the food to deteriorate). Bulging packs or packs
which are marked with liquidstains could have been
i m p ro p e r l y stored and may have been partially thawed.
2. Leave frozen food purchases until last and transport the
items in insulated bags.
3. Place the items in the freezer as soon as possible.
4. Do not refreeze partially thawed food. Consume it within 24
5. Observe the date of consumption and storage information.
1. Always disconnect the appliance from the mains supply.
2. Do not use abrasives. Periodically clean with a sponge
dampened in lukewarm water. A neutral pH detergent may
be used. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth.
3. Wipe the outside with a soft cloth dampened in water.
4. Periodically clean the front grille and the radiator at the back
with a vacuum cleaner or a brush.
1. Empty the refrigerator and freezer compartments.
2. Unplug the appliance from the mains.
3. Clean and dry both compartments.
4. Leave the doors open to prevent the formation of unpleasant