Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-29
GPIB and RS-232 Commands
gpib_address [v]
GPIB Address. This command sets the instrument's GPIB address to v. It may only be
issued via the instrument's RS-232C port.
Min. Abbr. gpib_a
Arguments v: 0, 1, ..., 30.
Example gpib_address 15
GPIB Address Query. This command returns a decimal number indicating the
instrument's GPIB address. It may only be issued over the RS-232C port.
Min. Abbr. gpib_a?
Returns <NR1>
Example gpib_address? (command)
GPIB_ADDRESS 15 (response)
gpib_bus [off_bus || talk_listen ]
GPIB Bus Mode. This command sets the instrument's gpib bus mode. It may be used
only over the RS-232C port.
Min. Abbr. gpib_b
Arguments off_bus: puts instrument in the gpib off-bus mode In this mode
it will not communicate over the GPIB.
talk_listen puts the instrument on-bus as a talker/listener.
Example gpib_bus talk_listen