The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Copyright © 1996 Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. 12W-1284-2
This document was printed on-demand, on a Phaser color printer, to conserve resources. January 8, 1996
Lower Tray Assembly
If you find yourself constantly
reloading the printer with paper
and then transparency film and
then back to paper then you need
the Lower Tray Assembly. The
Lower Tray Assembly provides
the printer with a two-tray auxillary
feeder so you can print anytime
from three different media sources.
There's no more tray swapping
with the Lower Tray Assembly.
Lower Tray Assembly
Letter (A-size) 4676
Lower Tray Assembly
A4-size 4676FTA, Opt. 01
Letter (A-size) Paper 436-0282-00
A4-size Paper 436-0283-00
Letter (A-size)
Transparency 436-0284-00
A4-size Transparency 436-0285-00
Legal-size Paper 436-0314-00
Phaser Copystation
Ever need to make some color copies
quickly? Then you need the Phaser
Copystation. The Phaser Copystation
lets you use your Phaser 550 or
Phaser 340 Color Printer as an easy-
to-use, walk-up color copier, as well
as a high-performance printer. With
enlarging and reducing capabilities,
as well as color fine-tuning, the
Copystation brings a new level of
convenience and productivity to
your department.
1 Phaser Copystation 4540
CRCs, short for Customer-Replace-
able Components, let you quickly
and easily replace key parts of the
printer that naturally wear out over
time. No need for expensive service
calls; CRCs let you get new printer
performance in minutes.
Color Imaging Kit 016-1457-00
Transfer Kit 016-1318-00
(for 110 V printer) 016-1323-01
(for 220 V printer) 016-1354-01
550 Color Printer Supplies (cont.)
RAM Upgrade
Adding RAM to the standard
8 Mbytes of RAM in your Phaser 550
increases the printer’s power and
performance. Maximum memory
capacity is 72 Mbytes.
16-Mbyte RAM SIMM 4685F16
32-Mbyte RAM SIMM Z480F32
64-Mbyte RAM
(order two 32-Mbyte SIMMs) Z480F32
Extended Features Upgrade
Add support for 1200 dpi, Check
Print Preview, Print Collation, and
Job Pipelining (24 Mbytes of total
memory required for these features).
Extended Features SIMM Z550FX
PhaserShare Network Cards
Add Ethernet, LocalTalk, or
TokenRing networking to your
Phaser 550. Ethernet and TokenRing
include support for Novell,
AppleTalk and TCP/IP protocols.
Ethernet Network Card 4676FP1
LocalTalk/Serial Card 4676FP3
TokenRing Network Card 4676FP4