Command Groups
Table 2-29: Save and Recall Commands (cont.)
SAVe:IMAGe:FILEFormat Sets or returns the file format to use for
saving screen images. The file format is not
automatically determined by the file name
extension. You need to choose a file name
with an extension which is consistent with
the selected file format
SAVe:IMAGe:INKSaver Sets or returns the current inksaver setting
for the SAVe:IMAGe command
SAVe:IMAGe:LAYout Sets or returns the layout to use for saved
screen images
SAVe:SETUp Saves the state of the o scilloscope to a
specified memory location or file
SAVe:WAVEform Saves a waveform to one of the reference
memory locations or a file
SAVe:WAVEform:FILEFormat Sets or returns the format for saved
SAVe:WAVEform:GATIng Specifies whether save waveform operations
should save the entire waveform or a
specified portion of the waveform
SETUP<x>:DATE? Returns the date w hen the specified
oscilloscope setup was saved
SETUP<x>:LABEL Sets or returns the specified oscilloscope
setup label
SETUP<x>:TIME? Returns the time when the specified
oscilloscope setup was saved
Search Command Group
Use the commands in the Search Commands Group to seek out information in
waveform records.
Search Commands
Command Description
Returns all search-related settings
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:COPy Copies the search criteria to the trigger, or
the trigger criteria to the search.
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:STATE Sets the search state to on or off
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TOTAL? Returns the total number of matches for
search <x>
Returns the search trigger bus type
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-41