Command Groups
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Each waveform that you transfer has an associated waveform preamble that
contains information such as the horizontal scale, the vertical scale, and other
settings in place when the waveform was created. Refer to the WFMPre
commands starting on page 2–345 for more information about the waveform
Once you transfer the waveform data to the controller, you can convert the data
points into voltage values for analysis using information from the waveform
preamble. The GETWFM program on the diskettes that come with this manual
shows how you can scale data.
You can transfer waveforms from the digitizing oscilloscope to an external
controller using the following sequence:
1. Select the waveform source(s) using the DATa:SOUrce command. If you
want to transfer multiple waveforms, select more than one source.
2. Specify the waveform data format using DATa:ENCdg.
3. Specify the number of bytes per data point using DATa:WIDth.
4. Specify the portion of the waveform that you want to transfer using
5. Transfer waveform preamble information using WFMPRe? query.
6. Transfer waveform data from the digitizing oscilloscope using the CURVe?
You can transfer waveform data to one of the four reference memory locations in
the digitizing oscilloscope using the following sequence:
1. Specify waveform reference memory using DATa:DESTination.
2. Specify the memory size for the reference location specified in Step 1 using
the ALLOcate:WAVEFORM:REF<x> command.
3. Specify the waveform data format using DATa:ENCdg.
4. Specify the number of bytes per data point using DATa:WIDth.
5. Specify first data point in the waveform record using DATa:STARt.
6. Transfer waveform preamble information using WFMPRe:<wfm>.
7. Transfer waveform data to the digitizing oscilloscope using CURVe.
Waveform Preamble
Scaling Waveform Data
Transferring Waveform
Data from the TDS Family
Transferring Waveform
Data to the TDS Family