Command Groups
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Limit Test Commands
The Limit Test commands let you automatically compare each incoming
waveform against a template waveform. You set an envelope of limits around a
waveform and let the digitizing oscilloscope find the waveforms that fall outside
those limits. When it finds such a waveform, it can generate a hardcopy, ring a
bell, stop and wait for your input, or any combination of these actions.
Table 2–14 lists these commands.
Table 2–14: Limit Test Commands
Header Description
LIMit:BELl Ring bell when limit exceeded
LIMit:COMpare:CH<x> Template to compare waveform to
(TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C)
Template to compare math waveform to
LIMit:HARDCopy Make hardcopy when limit exceeded
LIMit:STATE Turn limit testing on or off
LIMit:TEMPLate Template to compare waveform to
LIMit:TEMPLate:DESTination Reference storage for template waveform
LIMit:TEMPLate:SOUrce Template waveform source
Tested waveform horizontal tolerance
LIMit:TEMPLate:TOLerance:VERTical Tested waveform vertical tolerance