EC Declaration of Conformity
Tektronix Holland N.V.
Marktweg 73A
8444 AB Heerenveen
The Netherlands
declare under sole responsibility that the
meets the intent of Directive 89/336/EEC for Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Compliance was demonstrated to the following specifications as listed in the Official
Journal of the European Communities:
EN 55011 Class A Radiated and Conducted Emissions
EN 50081-1 Emissions:
EN 60555-2 AC Power Line Harmonic Emissions
EN 50082-1 Immunity:
IEC 801-2 Electrostatic Discharge Immunity
IEC 801-3 RF Electromagnetic Field Immunity
IEC 801-4 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity
IEC 801-5 Power Line Surge Immunity
To ensure compliance with EMC requirements this module must be installed in a
mainframe which has backplane shields installed which comply with Rule B.7.45 of
the VXIbus Specification. Only high quality shielded cables having a reliable,
continuous outer shield (braid & foil) which has low impedance connections to
shielded connector housings at both ends should be connected to this product.