Teledyne API Model 300M CO Analyzer Instruction Manual, 04033, Rev. A
Table 5-2: I/O Signals (Continued)
# Signal Control Description
32 DCPS_VOLTAGE NO DC power supply composite voltage output. Typically
2500 mV.
33 DAC_CHAN_0 NO Output of DAC 0(REC) in mV
34 DAC_CHAN_1 NO Output of DAC 1(DAS) in mV
35 DAC_CHAN_2 NO Output of DAC 2(TEST) in mV
36 DAC_CHAN_3 NO Output of DAC 3(Spare) in mV
37 CONC_OUT_1 YES CO Reading (REC) in mV
38 CONC_OUT_2 YES CO Reading (DAS) in mV
39 TEST_OUTPUT YES Test Channel in mV
40 SAMPLE_LED YES Sample LED on/off
41 CAL_LED YES Calibration LED on/off
42 FAULT_LED YES Fault LED on/off
5.2.2 Analog Output Test
This test cycles the analog output channels from 0% to 100% of full scale in 20% full scale
steps. It starts by outputting 0 volts to all channels and displaying a 0% button. Then, every five
seconds, the output is increased 20% FS and the button is changed accordingly. Thus, the button
(and the analog outputs) will cycle through the following value.
0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, 0%, ...
To pause the output at the current voltage, press the n% button. To resume automatic cycling,
press the n% button again.
5.2.3 Electric Test
This test activates a diagnostic circuit located on the Synchronous Demodulator board which
generates an artificial signal which simulates the output of the IR detector. This signal is injected
in place of the detector output.
When activated, Electric Test will automatically switch the analyzer into a 5000 PPM range and
result in the analyzer producing a constant, stable output (i.e. CO reading) of about 2500 PPM.
This test is particularly useful in isolating problems, since it exercises essentially all electronic
sub-systems of the analyzer but does not depend on the proper function of optical or pneumatic