
General Troubleshooting & Repair of the M400E Analyzer M400E Ozone Analyzer Operator’s Manual
The signal I/O diagnostic mode allows access to the digital and analog I/O in the analyzer. Some of the digital
signals can be controlled through the keyboard. These signals, combined with a thorough understanding of the
instruments Theory of Operation (found in Chapter 11), are useful for troubleshooting in three ways:
The technician can view the raw, unprocessed signal level of the analyzer’s critical inputs and outputs.
Many of the components and functions that are normally under algorithmic control of the CPU can be
manually exercised.
The technician can directly control the signal level Analog and Digital Output signals.
This allows the technician to observe systematically the effect of directly controlling these signals on the
operation of the analyzer. Figure 13-1 is an example of how to use the Signal I/O menu to view the raw voltage
of an input si
gnal or to control the state of an output voltage or control signal.
Figure 13-1: Example of Signal I/O Function
Any I/O signals changed while in the signal I/O menu will remain in effect ONLY until signal I/O menu is
exited. The Analyzer regains control of these signals upon exit.
See Appendix A-4 for a complete list of the parameters available for review under this menu.
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