460L Instruction Manual Frequently Asked Questions
05228 Rev B 21
Q: What do I do if I smell Ozone and suspect a leak?
A: Ensure that all the fittings are tight. If the fittings are tight and ozone is still detected send
the monitor back for repair to Teledyne Instruments’ customer service for repair.
Q: What do I do if my CPU status light stops flashing?
A: The CPU has stopped working. This is a major malfunction of the monitor. Return it to
Teledyne Instruments’ customer service for repair.
Q: What do I do if the Status OK light turns off or doesn't turn on after 30 min.?
A: If the status ok light is off and the Lamp low light is on then the monitor’s UV lamp needs to
be adjusted.
If the status ok light is off and the Lamp Low light is off then most likely the UV lamp output
has drifted to >5000mv and needs to be adjusted.
Q: What does it mean if the Invalid Reading light turns on?
A: This will happen if the:
Ozone supply pressure exceeds 14.9 psia.
Ozone concentration exceeds the Range of the monitor then this light will turn on.
Ozone concentration goes excessively negative.
Q: What do I do if my Lamp Low light turns on?
A: If the Lamp Low light turns on and the Status OK light is ON, the UV reference value has
dropped to < 1000mv. The monitor will continue to run with no problems until the UV
reference drops below 500mv.
If the Lamp low light turns on and the Status OK light is OFF, the UV reference has dropped
below acceptable limits and will have to be adjusted.
Q: When should I change the Particulate Filter and how do I change it?
A: The Particulate filter should be changed monthly. See Section 9.1 for instructions on
performing this replacement.