04584 Rev A1 149
9.3.1. Replacing the Sample Particulate Filter
The particulate filter should be inspected often for signs of plugging or contamination. We
recommend that when you change the filter, handle it and the wetted surfaces of the filter
housing as little as possible. Do not touch any part of the housing, filter element, PTFE retaining
ring, glass cover and the o-ring.
To change the filter:
1. Turn OFF the analyzer to prevent drawing debris into the instrument.
2. Open the MGFC7000E’s hinged front panel and unscrew the knurled retaining ring on the filter
Figure 9-1: Sample Particulate Filter Assembly
3. Carefully remove the retaining ring, PTFE o-ring, glass filter cover and filter element.
4. Replace the filter, being careful that the element is fully seated and centered in the bottom of
the holder.
5. Re-install the PTFE o-ring with the notches up, the glass cover, then screw on the retaining
ring and hand tighten. Inspect the seal between the edge of filter and the o-ring to assure a
proper seal.
6. Re-start the Analyzer.