Data Memory
Table 2−2.Program and Data Memory Addresses.
HCR0 MSC1210Y2 MSC1210Y3 MSC1210Y4 MSC1210Y5
000 (reserved) — — — — — — — —
001 — — — — — — 0000 0400-83FF
010 — — — — 0000 0400-43FF 0000-3FFF 0400-43FF
011 — — 0000 0400-23FF 0000-1FFF 0400-23FF 0000-5FFF 0400-23FF
100 0000 0400-13FF 0000-0FFF 0400-13FF 0000-2FFF 0400-13FF 0000-6FFF 0400-13FF
101 0000-07FF 0400-00BF 0000-17FF 0400-0BFF 0000-37FF 0400-0BFF 0000-77FF 0400-0BFF
110 0000-00BF 0400-07FF 0000-1BFF 0400-07FF 0000-3BFF 0400-07FF 0000-7BFF 0400-07FF
111 (default) 0000-0FFF 0000 0000-1FFF 0000 0000-3FFF 0000 0000-7FFF 0000
Note: Program accesses above the highest listed address will access external Program memory.
Program memory addressing beyond the on-chip address range is accessed
externally via ports 0 and 2. The total amount of code memory, on-chip and off,
is limited to 64k due to limitations of the 8052 architecture.
MSC1210 programs are limited to 64k because code memory is restricted to
64k. Some compilers offer ways to get around this limit when used with specially
wired hardware. However, without such special compilers and hardware, pro-
grams are limited to 64k.
The MSC1210 includes 2k of boot ROM code that controls operation during
serial or parallel programming. In program mode, the boot ROM is located in
the first 2kB of program memory.
The boot ROM is available to your program as long as EBR (hardware configu-
ration register 0, bit 4) is set, which is the default. When enabled, the boot ROM
routines will be located at program memory addresses F800
. The
boot ROM includes a number of functions such as flash memory access, and
serial routines including data transmission, reception, and auto-baud.
2.3 Data Memory
Data memory is divided into four types of memory, depending on its location
and volatility: internal RAM, on-chip extended SRAM, off-chip external SRAM,
and on-chip flash data memory. However, data memory (regardless of its loca-
tion or volatility) is accessed using the MOVX instruction, except for internal
RAM, which is accessed using the MOV instruction.
2.3.1 On-Chip Extended Static RAM (SRAM)
The MSC1210 includes 1024 bytes of on-chip extended static RAM (SRAM).
Even though this memory resides on-chip, it is accessed using the MOVX instruc-
tion as if it were external data memory. Whenever a program accesses data
memory addresses 0000
through 03FF
, the on-chip external SRAM is used.