MSP50C604 Preliminary Data
B.3.7 Interrupts
Interrupts for MSP50C604 are the same as MSP50C614 in host mode except
INT5 (port F interrupt) is not available. But in slave mode, INT3 and INT4 are
external interrupts triggered by write sequence and read sequence as ex-
plained before.
A summary of the interrupts is given below:
Interrupt Vector Source Condition Priority Host Mode Slave Mode
0 7FF0h DAC Timer Timer underflow Highest DAC interrupt Dac interrupt
1 7FF1h TIMER1
Timer underflow
2nd Timer 1 underflow Timer 1 underflow
2 7FF2h TIMER2
Timer underflow
3rd Timer 2 underflow Timer 2 underflow
3 7FF3h Port D2 Rising edge 4th Port D2 goes high Host write
4 7FF4h Port D3
Falling edge
5th Port D3 goes low Host read
5 7FF5h Port F Falling edge 6th Reserved, not used Reserved, not used
7FF6h Port D4* Rising edge 7th Port D4 goes high
Port D4 goes high
7FF7h Port D5* Falling edge Lowest Port D5 goes low
Port D5 goes low
INT6 and INT7 may be associated with the comparator function if the comparator enable bit has been set. See the section en-
titled Comparator for details.
Interrupts may be lost if interrupts occur during power up or wake up from
deep sleep mode.
The interrupts are generated as a divided signal from the master clock. The
frequency of the several timer interrupts will therefore vary depending upon
the operating master clock frequency.