Glossary 261
This section provides reference material that you may find helpful while
using the TI-Navigator™ classroom learning system. In it, you can find
terminology and file types.
activity – A term for the kinds of classroom interaction that the Activity
Center tool lets you perform. In an activity, students can contribute
mathematical data (points, equations, and lists) to the Activity Center
activity data – Data that you and your students can create or contribute
to the Activity Center tool, including equations, lists, and points.
activity settings – All of the settings in the Activity Center tool,
including the graph window settings and the configuration options.
App – A TI graphing calculator software application.
class – A group of student accounts with an associated class record,
seating layout, and various preferences and settings.
Class Record – A component of the TI-Navigator™ computer home
screen. The Class Record shows the network actions of a class as well as a
list of historical actions.
class session – A period of time when the TI-Navigator™ network is
available for a particular class.
Classroom tab – A component of the TI-Navigator™ computer home
screen. In the Classroom tab, you can view representations of the
students in the current class; add, edit, or remove students from the
current class; view visual indications of the students’ log in status; and
view the status of the current network action.
classroom view – A means of representing the students in a class. The
TI-Navigator™ classroom views are the Seating Chart view and the
Student List view.
collect – To transfer files from your students’ calculators to your