Test Summary
3.1 Test Summary
The detailed test results and waveforms are presented in Figures 3–2 to 3–10
for the SLVP111, Figures 3–11 to 3–19 for the SLVP112, Figures 3–20 to 3–28
for the SLVP113 and Figures 3–29 to 3–37 for the SLVP114. The following are
summarized results.
3.1.1 Static Line and Load Regulation
The precise reference voltage regulator implemented in the TPS56XX
controller using both positive and negative remote sense pins provides
excellent regulation characteristics. The load regulation from no load to
6 amps load current does not exceed 0.26%. The line regulation is less than
0.045% for the input voltage range from 4.5 V to 5.5 V. Line and load regulation
is shown in Figures 3–2, 3–11, 3–20, and 3–29. The set point tolerance is less
than 0.333%. The measured results have a good margin for high volume
3.1.2 Output Voltage Ripple
The output voltage peak to peak ripple is less than ±1%. This is a typical value
but it can be optimized for lower ripple applications. Measured output ripple
waveforms are shown in Figures 3–6, 3–15, 3–24, and 3–33.
The output filter for this EVM design is optimized for fast transient response
due to the high slew-rate load current transitions. Therefore, the output filter
is not optimized for low ripple and has a moderate amount of output ripple.
3.1.3 Efficiency and Power Losses
Efficiency and power losses for 5 V input voltage and maximum output current
6 A are presented in the following table:
Evaluation Board Efficiency, % Power Losses, W
SLVP111, 3.3V 90 2.2
SLVP112, 2.5V 86.4 2.37
SLVP113, 1.8V 83.2 2.18
SLVP114, 1.5V
79.8 2.27
Efficiency graphs versus load and at different line voltages are shown in
Figures 3–3, 3–12, 3–21, and 3–30.
Low power loss in each component decreases their temperature rise and
improves long term reliability. The EVMs do not require forced air cooling at
room temperature with good margin.
3.1.4 Output Start-Up and Overshoot
All possible start-up combinations are tested and waveforms are presented.
Output voltage rise time does not depend on the load current and ramps up