176 Appendix B: General Information
Accuracy Information
Computational Accuracy
To maximize accuracy, the TI-84 Plus carries more digits internally than it
displays. Values are stored in memory using up to 14 digits with a two-
digit exponent.
• You can store a value in the window variables using up to 10 digits
(12 for
Xscl, Yscl, Tstep, and qstep).
• Displayed values are rounded as specified by the mode setting with a
maximum of 10 digits and a two-digit exponent.
You have tried to archive a variable that cannot be
archived or you have tried to unarchive an
application or group.
Examples of variables that cannot be archived
• Real numbers LRESID, R, T, X, Y, Theta, Statistic
variables under Vars, STATISTICS menu, Yvars,
and the AppIdList.
You have attempted to receive an incompatible
variable version from another graphing handheld.
A problem exists with the window variables.
• You defined
Xmax Xmin or Ymax Ymin.
• You defined
qmax qmin and qstep > 0 (or vice
• You attempted to define
• You defined
Tmax Tmin and Tstep > 0 (or vice
• Window variables are too small or too large to
graph correctly. You may have attempted to
zoom in or zoom out to a point that exceeds the
TI-84 Plus’s numerical range.
• A point or a line, instead of a box, is defined in
•A ZOOM operation returned a math error.
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies