66 TRF1500 Integrated Dual-Band RF Receiver User’s Guide
5) Measure the IF output power (IF P
) at the IF frequency with
the spectrum analyzer.
6) Calculate the Cascaded Gain as:
Gain = (IF P
- RF P
) + Transformer Loss. The
transformer loss is 1.8dB.
Low-Band Receiver Mixer: Input Return Loss
Control state: 011000
The input return loss of the low band receiver mixer is measured
at the low band RF input port J15. The measurement is
performed using a network analyzer. The network analyzer is set
up to measure the low band receiver frequency range (see Table
8). The network analyzer power range is set to 35 dBm to -20
dBm; the input power is set to -30 dBm. Perform a full one-port or
two-port calibration. Set the network analyzer to measure S11. To
measure the receiver mixer input return loss, connect the RF input
port J15 to S11 port of the network analyzer.
The input return loss of the low band mixer is measured at the low
band mixer input port, J15. The measurement is performed using
a network analyzer.
Set up the network analyzer as follows to measure the RF input
return loss:
1) Set the network analyzer to measure the low band RF
frequency (see Table 8).
2) Set the power range to -35 dBm through -20 dBm, and then
set the input power to -30 dBm.
3) Perform a full one-port calibration on port 1 of the network
4) Set the network analyzer to measure S11.
5) Connect the EVM RF input, J15, to port 1 of the network
6) Measure the RF input return loss.