MODE 2 - THOUSANDS of randomly selected puzzles.
MODE 3 - Create your own puzzles, and try them out on
a friend!
Turns the game ON or OFF. Your LIGHTS OUT
CUBE will shut off automatically after 3
minutes of non-play. Holding this button for
over two seconds during game play will reset
the game to puzzle selection on modes 1 and
2. If you are in mode 3, it will reset the unit to
game selection.
START: a) Starts each game (after a MODE has been
b) Confirms an input puzzle (MODE 3)
GAME: a) Selects between MODES 1,2, or 3
SOUND: Toggles the sound ON and OFF. This button
only works before the game starts -- you can
NOT toggle sound once the game begins.
HELP: Receive "hints" from the computer (MODES 1
AND 2). The HELP button will give you the
first move of a puzzle. However, once a player
has pressed a button, this feature is disabled
until the puzzle is solved or re-started. Use
if you want help. (So press HELP to begin a
puzzle with the first move automatically given
by the unit.)
PRESS THE "ON/OFF/RESET" BUTTON to turn on the unit.
You will now see a pattern of lights chasing around the
board. You must now select an option. You could press
START to start a game (the last puzzle played, in the last
mode played), or select a new MODE with the GAMEbutton,
or use the PUZZLE button to select a particular puzzle.
PRESS THE "START" BUTTON. If this is your first time
playing LIGHTS OUT CUBE, four lights on FACE 1 of the
cube will be lit.
To understand the solution to a
puzzle, think of the LIGHTS OUT
CUBE puzzle display in
terms of numbers. Each
button (or light) on the
cube can be assigned a
number from 1 to 54 (see
adjacent illustration)
46 47 48
49 50 51
52 53 54
19 20 21
22 23 24
25 26 27
37 38 39
40 41 42
43 44 45
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
28 29 30
31 32 33
34 35 36