78 Firmware Update
with other letters, the digital receiver cannot recognize not only
it but also its subsequent files and folders.
8.3 From the firmware server via the Internet
You can update the firmware from the firmware server which
is run by Topfield via the Internet. Make sure that the digital
receiver is connected to your router before configuring the
network settings on the digital receiver.
For detailed description about how to set up the router, refer
to the manual of your router.
Select the Installation
LAN Set-
IP Configuration menu.
You should see a screen like the
left figure.
You may get the digital receiver
to be assigned a dynamic IP ad-
dress. Set the DHCP option to
On to do that.
If you desire to use static IP address, set the DHCP option to
Off; then the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway options
become enabled. You have to set these options to match with
the configuration of your router.
To enable the digital receiver to update the firmware automat-
ically when a new firmware is available, set the Auto LAN
Firmware Upgrade option to On.
Otherwise if you to do that by yourself, select the Installation
LAN Firmware Upgrade menu; then you get asked for confir-
mation. If you select Yes, it checks up whether a new firmware
is available, and if any, it will start firmware update.