Ordering Replacement Parts
To order replacement parts, please supply the part number,
the quantity, and the description of each part desired.
Understanding Reference Numbers
Each identied part in an illustration has a reference
number. The reference number for a part also appears in
the parts list, along with other information about the part.
This catalog uses two special reference number formats,
one to indicate parts in a service assembly and another to
indicate the quantity of a given part in an illustration.
Service Assembly Reference Numbers
Parts in service assemblies have reference numbers in the
form a:b. The a represents the reference number of the
entire service assembly and the b represents a sequential
number unique to each part within the service assembly.
For example, a wheel assembly might be identied by
reference number 6, the tire by 6:1, the valve by 6:2, and
the wheel by 6:3. When you order the assembly identied
by reference number 6, you receive all parts identied by
reference numbers 6:1,6:2, and 6:3. However, you may
also order any part individually. Reference numbers of this
type appear in illustration and in parts lists.
Reference Numbers Indicating Quantity
In an illustration, if a reference number indicates more than
one part, the reference number has the form nX y. The n
represents the quantity of the part, the X is the multiplication
symbol, and the y represents the reference number.
For example, in an illustration, the reference number 2X 37
means that two of the parts identied by reference number
37 are indicated.
List of Abbreviations
AR: as required
ASM: assembly
BBC: blade brake control
BHTF: button head thread forming
CARR: carriage
CCW: counter clockwise
CW: clockwise
DEG: degrees
DPA: Dual Point Adjustment
ECM: electronic control module
EXT: external
FH: at head
GA: gauge
HD: heavy-duty
HF: hex ange
HH: hex head
HHF: hex head ange
HHFTF: hex head ange thread
HJ: hex jam
HLH: hex lag head
HOC: height-of-cut
HSBH: hex socket button head
HSFH: hex socket at head
HSH: hex socket head
HWH: hex washer head
HWHTF: hex washer head thread
HYD: hydraulic
LH: left hand
LP: Liqueed Petroleum Gas
LPG: Liqueed Petroleum Gas
NI: nylon insert
NPTF: national pipe thread ne
PFH: phillips at head
PPH: phillips pan head
PPHTF: phillips pan head thread
PRH: phillips round head
PTH: phillips truss head
PTO: power-take-off
RH: right hand
ROPS: roll-over protection system
RRB: rear roller brush
SFH: slotted llister head
SHH: slotted hex head
SHWH: slotted hex washer head
SPH: slotted pan head
SQH: square head
SRH: slotted round head
STD: standard
TAP: self tapping
TTH: torx truss head