Wordcraft International Limited make no representations or warranties, express or implied, of any kind with
respect to the contents of this package and specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of mer-
chantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Wordcraft International Limited’s liability shall be limited to
replacing any faulty product with alternative product or a cash refund up to but not exceeding the value of
the monies paid for the product when originally purchased. In no event shall Wordcraft International Limited
or their suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever (includ-
ing, without limitation, damages for loss of revenue or profits, business interruption, lost or damaged data, or
any other loss arising out of the installation of, use of or inability to use this software product). Wordcraft
International Limited shall not be responsible for any claims arising from the use of software marked ‘Not for
Resale’ or ‘Evaluation’ or ‘Demonstration’ or ‘Training’.
Wordcraft International Limited shall not be responsible for any claims arising from the use of software other
than the use for which it was specifically sold.
Wordcraft International Limited shall not be responsible for any claims by a third party.
No oral or written information or advice given to Wordcraft International Limited, or given by Wordcraft Inter-
national Limited, or an authorised representative shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of
this warranty.
Software and documentation produced by Wordcraft International Limited is protected by International
Copyright Conventions.
Wordcraft is a trademark of Wordcraft International Limited.
All other trademarks are acknowledged.
Following installation the package will be automatically registered.
This is a legally binding agreement with Wordcraft International Limited.
If you feel you cannot accept the conditions defined above please return the complete
software package unopened to your supplier.
© 2005 Wordcraft International Limited