Status message
Information/Status message Cause
Invalid entry The channel does not exist. (e.g., “000“)
No radio services Cannot change to Radio mode because there is no radio service in the channel list.
No TV service Cannot change to TV mode because there is no TV service in the channel list.
No data service Cannot change to data mode because there is no data service in the channel list.
No services There are no services in the received signal.
No Teletext signal There is no Teletext in the channel.
Duplicate Timer When two event timers overlap.
No subtitles There are no subtitles in the received signal.
No video No audio The signal does not contain audio or video.
Audio stream not available The Multi Audio Menu cannot be displayed because there is no sound.
Descrambling not possible The services for the selected channel are not available for this card.
Database empty There are no services in the TV.
No signal There are no signal inputs.
Locked service The service is locked with the channel organizer.
Scrambled service The service is scrambled and unavailable.
Digital Service Not available.
Not Running Broadcasting has been suspended.
New service added … A new service has been added.
Upgrading available service details Service information has been changed. The channel list is updating.
Duplicate carrier found The same signal has already been set.
Invalid Stream Contains a video format that is not supported by this TV.