Printing Guide — Installing Client Software for UNIX 185
Installing Client Software for UNIX
NOTE: • Printing from UNIX is available only when the Network Interface Card is installed.
Please refer to following instructions for configuring printing systems on UNIX workstations.
About Client Software for UNIX
In the Admin’s Client CD-ROM, the following filters for UNIX workstations are included:
net_est4511 (for e-STUDIO4511 Series) /
net_estbw (for e-STUDIO450 Series and e-STUDIO280 Series)
This file is a shell script that will be installed in “/usr/lib/lp/model”. It contains all the pars-
ing for the printer specific commands and it generates all the output code. Being a shell
script, a system administrator can modify it if a site requires any custom options or if other
components are installed in non-standard locations.
This is an executable program that is called by net_est4511, or net_estbw to send the print
file to the system using the LPD protocol. This program will be installed in “/opt/toshiba/
(Linux filter only)
This file is a shell script that simulates the command line functions of lp. After processing
the command line options, the e-STUDIO filter is invoked in the same way as a System V
print filter. This file is installed in “/opt/toshiba/tap/bin”. A symbolic link to this file will be
installed in the “/usr/local/bin” directory as lptap.
est4511Backend (for e-STUDIO4511 Series) /
estbwBackend (for e-STUDIO450 Series and e-STUDIO280 Series)
(AIX filter only)
This is an executable program that is called by the AIX qdaemon. It receives the arguments
from the qdaemon, interrogates it for copy information etc. then calls the queues' copy of
net_est4511, or net_estbw to run the print. This program will be installed in “/opt/toshiba/
est4511add (for e-STUDIO4511 Series) /
estbwadd (for e-STUDIO450 Series and e-STUDIO280 Series)
This file is a shell script that is used to create a printer description. This file will be installed
in “/opt/toshiba/tap/bin”. A symbolic link will be installed in the “/bin” directory that will
point to the actual location of this file.
est4511rm (for e-STUDIO4511 Series) /
estbwrm (for e-STUDIO450 Series and e-STUDIO280 Series)
This file is a shell script that is used to remove a printer description. This file will be
installed in “/opt/toshiba/tap/bin”. A symbolic link will be installed in the “/bin” directory
that will point to the actual location of this file.
net_est4511.1 (for e-STUDIO4511 Series) /
estbw.1 (for e-STUDIO450 Series and e-STUDIO280 Series)
This is an input file for the man command that supplies online documentation for the printer
specific options. This file will be installed in “/opt/toshiba/tap/man/man1”. A symbolic link
will be installed in the /usr/man/man1 directory that will point to the actual location of this