WinDVD™ 2000
Playing DVDs
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0
current time slot is indicated on the right side of the status
The playback speed slider enables you to control the speed at
which the DVD plays. Move the slider to the left to slow the
playback speed or move it to the right to play the DVD faster.
Placing the slider in the center plays the DVD at normal
speed, and enables the audio. The audio is automatically
muted at any other playback speed.
The current chapter indicator displays the DVD chapter that
is currently playing.
Using the WinDVD control panel
The WinDVD control panel resembles the control panel of a
standard home DVD player.
TECHNICAL NOTE: The DVD author determines what features the
DVD disc supports. Depending on the DVD format and your
computer’s hardware configuration, some of the control panel
features may be unavailable when playing a DVD. Unsupported
features appear gray, and you cannot select them.
Sample WinDVD control panel
Properties Directional buttons
Expanded controls button
Time sliderAudio volume controls Counter
Help button
Web Repeat