Press the [ENTRY] button.
Enter the following information. (You need to enter at least either of
[FIRST NAME] or [LAST NAME], and either of [FAX NO.] or [E-MAIL].)
• FIRST NAME: Enter the first name. The entered first name is displayed in the address book list on the touch
• LAST NAME: Enter the last name. The entered last name is displayed in the address book list on the touch
• FAX NO.: Enter the Fax number.
• 2ND FAX: Enter the second Fax number.
• E-MAIL: Enter the E-mail address.
• CORP.: Enter the company name.
• DEPT.: Enter the department name.
• KEYWORD: Enter a keyword with which you can search for the desired contact.
When you press any of the above, the letter entry menu ( P.33) is displayed. Enter the information with the but-
tons on this menu and the digital keys on the control panel.
Press the [ENTER] button.
• The information has been registered in the address book.
• For details of the address book, see the User Functions Guide.