AR-B1375/AR-B1376 User s Guide
6.2.1 Overview
There is 1 DIP Switch located on the AR-B1375 and AR-B1376. It performs the following functions:
Figure 6-2 SW1: Switch Select
SW1-1 Set the base I/O port address
SW1-2 Set the starting memory address
SW1-3 & SW1-4 Set the drive number of solid state
SW1-5 & SW1-6 Set the used ROM memory chips
6.2.2 I/O Port Address Select (SW1-1)
SW1-1 is provided to select one of the four base port addresses for the watchdog timer and the solid state disk.
The AR-B1375 and AR-B1376 occupy 6 I/O port addresses. Followings state selections of base port address.
SW1-1 Base Port Solid State Disk Watchdog
OFF (*) 210h 210h-213h 214h-215h
ON 290h 290h-293h 294h-295h
Table 6-1 I/O Port Address Select
6.2.3 SSD Firmware Address Select (SW1-2)
The AR-B1375‘s and AR-B1376’s SSD firmware occupies 8KB of memory. SW1-2 is used to select the memory
base address. You must select an appropriate address so that the AR-B1375 or AR-B1376 will not conflict with
memory installed on other add-on memory cards. Additionally, be sure not to use shadow RAM area or EMM
driver’s page frame in this area.
SW1-2 Bank Memory Address
OFF (*) C800:0 (8KB)
ON D800:0 (8KB)
Table 6-2 SSD Firmware Address Select
If you are not going to use the solid state disk (SSD), you can use BIOS setup program to disable the SSD BIOS.
The AR-B1375 or AR-B1376 will not occupy any memory address if the SSD BIOS is disabled.
If you are going to install the EMM386.EXE driver, please use the [X] option to prevent EMM386.EXE from using
the particular range of segment address as an EMS page which is used by AR-B1375/AR-B1376. For example,
write a statement in the CONFIG.SYS file as follow: (If the memory configuration of AR-B1375/AR-B1376 is