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Barry’s Rigs ‘n Reviews
All trademarks used are properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2003-2007 by Barry Little. All Rights Reserved.
Pay attention to this
warning if you don't
have the AC adapter
plugged in before
starting eRecovery—it
will save you a lot of
The first option lets
you create backups
and change the
utility's default
Note the options here.
Acer eRecovery
requires a separate
FAT32 partition on
the local hard drive to
create or delete a
backup snapshot
image of the laptop's
current configuration
under Windows. The
first and third options
are grayed because I
created a single NTFS
partition on the
Ferrari 4000.
I can create a
Factory default
image to the DVD
burner. If the two
FAT32 partitions
were left in place on
the hard drive, any
user-created images
would also be
displayed, as well as
the option to create
the image on the
second drive
partition. Note that
while you can
convert the C:
partition to NTFS, the
D: partition on the
hard drive must
remain FAT32.
Next is Recovery
Actions . Online help
is available at any
time for all eManager
functions by clicking
the Help icon in the
upper right-hand
corner of the menu.
Note the options
here. You can also
reinstall all of the
original drivers and
The "Acer System
Series CD" is stored
on the special hidden
factory partition on
the hard drive. You
can browse its
contents, install the
drivers, and view the
complete Acer Ferrari
4000 User's Guide in
Acrobat .PDF format,
from here.
Here's what's on the
"Acer System Series
CD." These are for
the 32-bit version of
Windows XP only. If
you want to run
Windows XP
Professional x64
Edition on the Ferrari
4000, you'll have to
download all the 64-
bit drivers from Acer's
Support Website.
This is the Install
screen for the
The full User's Guide,
which is available in a
number of languages,
is launched from