
(E) 46/52/62HM94
Copyright © 2004 TOSHIBA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
LED Indication Condition Solution
1) Green blinks 3 times The TV is warming up. Wait about 30 seconds until the Green LED lights continuously,
after power cord is and then press POWER to turn ON the TV.
plugged in;
Red is OFF.
2) Green is ON (solid); The lamp unit door is not seated Turn OFF the TV and unplug the power cord. Review “How to
Red blinks continuously properly. replace the lamp unit” on pages 99–100 to ensure that the lamp unit
at 0.5-second intervals. door is installed securely. If the problem persists, contact a Toshiba
Authorized Service Center.
3) Green blinks continuously The lamp is not working properly. The TV automatically will try to restart itself eight times (see item #4).
at 0.3-second intervals;
Red is ON (solid).
4) Green and Red blink The lamp is not working properly Turn OFF the TV and then ON again. If the problem persists, replace
continuously at after the eighth automatic restart the lamp unit (see pages 98–100). If the problem still persists,
1-second intervals. (see item #3). contact a Toshiba Authorized Service Center.
5) Green and Red blink An abnormal temperature Turn OFF the TV. Check to make sure all slots and openings in the
3 times only. increase has occurred. TV cabinet are not covered, blocked, or dusty. Turn ON the TV again.
If the problem persists, contact a Toshiba Authorized Service Center.
6) Green is OFF;The TV requires servicing. Turn OFF the TV and unplug the power cord. Plug the power
Red blinks continuously cord in again and turn ON the TV. If the problem persists, contact
at 0.5-second intervals. a Toshiba Authorized Service Center.
Chapter 10: Troubleshooting
LED indications
The green and red LED lights are on the TV front touchpad, to the left of the POWER button.
The green and red LED lights on the TV control touchpad (on the lower right corner of the TV screen) indicate the TV’s current status, as
•Green ON (solid) and Red OFF = TV power cord is plugged in but the TV is OFF. This is called standby mode.
•Red ON (solid) and Green OFF = TV power cord is plugged in and the TV is ON.
•Green and Red ON (solid) = TV front touchpad is being pressed.
•Green and/or Red blinking (see table below).
Green LED
TV front touchpad
HM94(E)092-97(10-Trbl) 8/31/04, 11:37 AM94
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